Tonight we added a frog to the fish tank. We've never had a frog before, so this will be an interesting. I'll be anxious to see how well he gets along with the others. Meredith was very excited about the new addition.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day #30 January 30, 2011

Every other Sunday evening, a tornado goes through our house, as we have to "clean for the cleaning lady". In reality it just means getting stuff up off the floor so they can vacuum, putting shoes in the closet, and then getting out new sheets, towels, and rugs--if we put those out, they will change them and take all the dirty ones to the laundry room. In the beginning I was opposed to the cleaning lady, especially with a wife who only works part-time, but having them come every other week is worth every cent!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Day #29 January 29, 2011
Sledding at the Orchard
Had a great time sledding with the neighbors and their children. The hill was so big that we had to get the snow mobiles out to take us back up the hill.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Day #28 January 28, 2011

Today I continued to work with 1st graders. We are learning to use our digital camera kit. With a little instruction, the students were able to take photographs, download them, and saved them to their network drive. Next class period we will use their pictures to make motivational posters at It was so much fun to watch their faces light up when they found out they were going to be able to actually handle the camera and take pictures.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day #27 January 27, 2011
The snow has come to an end. I am off school today...the kids have a 2-hour delay, and Susan had to work. Oh my what will I do today!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day #26, January 26, 2011
I love to sit and watch the snow falling on the deck. It is so peaceful. Might even take a walk in it tonight. Will there be a 2-hour delay tomorrow? Will we have school at all? How long will it take me to clear the driveway and sidewalks tomorrow. These are all questions that will bounce around my head tonight as I try to fall asleep.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day #25 January 25, 2011
Feeding Our Fine Feathered Friends
When I got home from work today, I filled up the bird feeder with some sunflower seeds. We may be getting a storm tomorrow...we may not, but at least the birds and probably the squirrels will have something to eat.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day #24 January 24, 2011
Am I the only one who has a never ending laundry pile! At least this pile is clean, folded and ready to be transported upstairs...time to call the kids!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day #23 January 23, 2011

Girl's Being Good Sports
I had the pleasure of attending two of Meredith's indoor soccer games this weekend. Keegan and Meredith usually play at the same time or far apart, so Susan and I are usually split, but this weekend it worked out so I could watch Meredith.
The girls are so cute, because they still cheer for the other team and make the "bridge" for them to run through. So today, I salute the good sportsmanship that both girls teams displayed today.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Day #22 January 22, 2011

Baking with Meredith
Meredith wanted to try out our new Pampered Chef pan, so she helped whip up some Funfetti brownies. 30 minutes later they taste delicious!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Day #21 January 21, 2011

Both kids (and the wife) are tucked in bed. The only light on is from the hallway night light. The wind is howling outside and we are all snuggled up and warm inside.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Day #20 January 20, 2011

I wish years ago I would have begun to clock the hours that I have spent at soccer with my son. He has been playing since he was 6. Today's picture is a shot of indoor soccer practice. The team has had their ups and downs and right now we are on an up and we have such a great group of guys on the team...they are really starting to connect and are able to read one another. Final indoor game is this Sunday night at LANCO Fieldhouse against Lanco who beat us 7-6 in the last minute last week. Here is hoping things will be different this week!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Day #19 January 19, 2011

I don't normally play the lottery, but for some reason yesterday I decided to get a ticket for tonight's $96 Million Powerball. I plan to go to bed dreaming how I would spend the money if I won. I know a few family members I'd help, a great vacation, a new van for the wife, and several charities that would get a big donation.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day #18 January 18, 2011

Naval Oranges
Naval oranges--sweet and juicy. Remind me of my parents who are avoiding all of this cold and snow in Florida. Unfortunately their naval orange tree did not survive this year.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Day # 17 January 17, 2011
Bargain Shopping!
Today, Susan and I got to do something that we haven't done in a while. The kids were occupied, so we had time to do some bargain shopping. We hit the clearance racks at Kohl's and then hit the jackpot at Old Navy. They were having an EXTRA 40% off the clearance prices. We even got a few Christmas presents for next year.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Day #16 January 16, 2011
Tonight after Keegan's soccer game, we stopped and had dinner at Subway. Can you tell who didn't want their picture taken?
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day #15 January 15, 2011

Cuckoo Clock
Today was a normal Saturday, sleeping in late, shopping with the kids, and sitting on the couch watching some TV. However my grandparents were on my mind a lot today. They have sold their house and moved into Country Meadows. My grandfather will celebrate another birthday 90+ on Tuesday. Dropped a card and family portrait in the mail to him. One of my favorite things my grandparents gave to me was their Cuckoo Clock from Germany. It is old, and it may not keep the exact time, and the Cuckoo might "crow" a little early, but it reminds me of the fun times I had at their house...and so today's picture is a cuckoo clock given to me by my grandparents.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Day #14 January 14, 2011

For lack of something better to take, I took a picture of Niaspan. Each night before I go to bed, I have to take my Niaspan. Niacin is used with diet changes (restriction of cholesterol and fat intake) to reduce the amount of cholesterol and certain fatty substances in your blood. So this is to help keep my "heart healthy" along with my lipitor in the morning. I know boring picture today, but couldn't come up with anything else. Let's hope tomorrow brings something good!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day #13 January 13, 2011

Tonight the parents of PA Classics West U14 Boys soccer team met to make sandwiches for a fundraiser, while the boys had practice. We have such a great group of parents, they all pitch in and we have a good time. Besides with an Epex Soft Pretzel roll you can't go wrong!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day #11 January 11, 2011

While taking out the garbage tonight when I got home from work, it began to snow. I watched as the tiny snowflakes landed on the garbage can lid, each one unique. My picture doesn't do it justice, but it was neat to see. Now let's hope those tiny little snowflakes amount to enough for a 2-hour delay tomorrow!
Day #10 January 10, 2011
My son's feet are growing like crazy. When I took him shopping for new sneakers, these are the ones he wanted. You know darn well if I would have bought these and brought them home, there is no way he would have worn them!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day #9 January 9, 2011

Ironing is my Sunday night ritual. Every Sunday night I pick out my wardrobe for the week and iron while I watch TV. Unfortunately tonight I watched the Eagles blow it, while I was ironing.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Day #8 January 8, 2011

Today we were to travel to Pottsville to attend Susan's Uncle's funeral. We left at 7:30 a.m. with snow beginning to fall. It fell fast and by the time we reached Colonial Park it was difficult to see and the roads were beginning to get covered. We returned home. Tonight with the wind blowing. I broke open our Hot Chocolate K-Cups for our new Keurig. There is nothing like a mug of hot chocolate on a cold winter's night.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day #7 January 7, 2011
There wasn't a lot of snow on the ground, but it arrived just at the right time to give me a 2 hour delay today. My picture today is the snow on one of the bushes outside of school when I arrived today.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day#6 January 6, 2011
In 2005 I began collecting soda tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in my business education classes. I was inspired by a neighbor who had Sepsis and his family had to stay at the Ronald McDonald House.
Why? The aluminum tabs are sold to a local recycling company; proceeds help with daily operating expenses at the House. The generous amount of tabs collected has been very beneficial to the House and the families we serve. The Ronald McDonald House in Hershey is averaging $1,000 monthly just from these tiny tabs!
While I no longer have my own classroom, the network of people who began collecting with me continue to bring in their soda tabs for me, and I continue to make trips to Hershey to drop off the soda tabs. It is such an easy way to help others. If you have a Ronald McDonald House near you check and see if they collect the tabs.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day #5 January 5, 2011

Ok, first I must admit that I did not take today's picture, but borrowed it from a college friend who posted it on Facebook along with "So I'm in charge of the snack for the epiphany party tomorrow, do u think the 1st graders will get it?"
When I first saw this picture I was rolling on the floor, not because how cute and creative it was, but also because I was just imagining first graders sitting down at their desks receiving their snack at the Epiphany Party. I mean which piece of the nativity would you eat first?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day #4 January 4
While there is nothing extra special about Fleece. This fleece will become something very special! My daughter's school--Red Mill Elementary--conducts a school wide service project. On January 21 the entire school will take part in CAPS for CANCER. They will make fleece caps to give to children with cancer. While I was going to stop and pick up the fleece for Meredith to take to school, I decided that she should go along and pick out the fleece. I didn't know there were so many fleece patterns...35 minutes later she picked these two patterns. Originally she had another pink fleece picked up but then decided on the camouflage so the boys would have something to wear. That girl is always thinking. This school wide project is such a great idea. I wish my school would do something like this.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day #3 January 3, 2011
There is something calming about being in the school building before any other students or teacher arrive. I enjoy arriving early so that I can gather my thoughts, reflect on my day, and get organized.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day #2 January 2, 2011
Nothing Beats Cooking on the Grill in January
The weather in Pennsylvania has been warm the last couple of days and I took advantage of it today to cook some NY Strip Steak and baked potatoes on the grill.
Day #1 New Year's Day 2011
About 8 years ago, the family began a tradition of celebrating New Year's Day at Chuck E Cheese. The majority of us do not like Pork and Sauerkraut and Susan and I don't really like Chuck E Cheese, but the kids do, and so we started going first thing New Year's Day. The place is empty and the kids have a good time.
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